
Jose Ruiz

Jose Ruiz

Founding partner of Geographic Solutions.

Graduated in Geography from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Master in Geographic Information Systems (UNIGIS).

He has worked as a technician for Geographic Information Systems (SIG) in the Geobase project of the Propiedad Registering Coordinator and in different private sector companies performing mapping, sig and territorial projects.

Member 1515 of the College of Geographers and member of the Societat Catalana de Geography. He serves as the Judiciary of the College of Geographers.

Marc Vila

Founding partner of Geographic Solutions.

Graduated in Geography from the University of Barcelona and Master in SIG and Teledetection (IEEC – CREAF).

With more than 20 years of professional experience, he has worked in the private and also in the public sector.
Project management and project manager, advanced consultant on territorial, urban, environmental, mobility, housing, geoinformation and TIG/SIG technologies.

President of the Association of Professional Geographers of Catalonia and member of the territorial delegation of the College of Geographers of Catalonia, member of the Catalan Geography Society.

Elias Asbert

Graduated in Geography and Sorting of the Territory with Mention in Territorial and Environmental Planning from the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona. Collegiate not 3215.

Vocational Geographer, has been part of Geographic Solutions since 2017. He loves cartography, meteorology and geomorphology.

Xavier Garcia

Graduated in Biology and Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Master in Environmental Impact Assessment (INIEC).

He has worked as a commission manager at IDOM Ingeniería y Sistemas S.A., and as a Responsible for Activities at GPO Ingeniería y Arquitectura S.L.U, producing environmental documentation associated with infrastructure, urban, industrial and architectural projects.

Member 20227 of the Colegio de Biologists de Catalunya and member 1777 of the Col·legi d’Ambientòlegs de Catalunya.

Xavier Garcia

Paulino Vallejo

Graduated in Geography from the University of Valencia and Master in Techniques for the Management of the Environment and Territory (UV)

Associate in Geographic Solutions since 2019 developing training, data visualization and GIS consulting tasks in environmental, mobility, territorial and urban projects.
Previously, freelance had over five years of experience as a GIS technician and trainer on GIS and GIS Cloud.

GEOGRAPHIC SOLUTIONS have the expertise and professionalism of technicians who help us to meet the most specific needs our services may require.


Throughout our work, we have worked with innovation and complementarity professionals.


Informes i estudis ambientals.


Consultoria de Geoserveis territorials


Urbanisme Quotidià


Consultoria de mobilitat


Arquitectes urbanistes


Consultoria en estratègia territorial i ocupació


Integrando los SIG en usos sociales, pequeñas entidades y empresas. ¿Hacemos uno SIG?


CitizensQ - Sustainability and quality of life.


Geoserveis i formació ambiental



Creative Studio - Web, Media & Art.